
Finding a nice open space with soft grass or sand is a good way to get started learning to ride your Onewheel.  This kid should probably wearing a helmet but he gets the hang of it pretty quick.

Understanding Onewheel:
It’s a board sport – Make no mistake about it, Onewheeling is a new board sport. Much like other board sports, Onewheeling takes practice, patience and skill, and safety equipment needs to be worn at all times.

A helmet is an absolute must and we strongly recommend wearing wrist, elbow, and kneepads while riding.

It’s Sensitive – Your Onewheel is equipped with a rider detection system and it is crucial to understand the basics to get going. Your board will engage at level when it detects your weight on the pressure sensitive areas outlined by two blue squares on the front footpad.

Make sure you are stomping both pressure sensitive pads (outlined by the two blue squares) when you are in motion and keep your foot planted. Please be aware of your foot placement and movement while riding, if you come off the pressure pad your board will stop.


To stop, slow down and come to balance, disengage the board by sliding your foot off one of the pressure pads. 

Extreme is Extreme – Your Onewheel arrives out-of-the-box in Classic shaping, which has tight responsive handling and is a great mode for learning. However, if you want to take your riding to the next level you might want to switch to Extreme shaping with your Onewheel App. With 50% more top speed and no high-speed pushback things can get pretty exciting.


Onewheel is completely different than anything you’ve ever ridden so you may want to check out some of the basics to get started.